Here’s how we can help

Design healthy games

Boost player retention and wellbeing by making safe and healthy games.

  • Equip teams with healthy design principles
  • Check alpha and betas for best practices
  • Create characters that resonate with kids
  • Identify potentially harmful game mechanics
  • Train suppliers so they support your goals
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Build lasting fandom

Create a community for lasting success by building fandom the healthy way.

  • Messaging that encourages healthy competition
  • Copy that makes kids feel seen and heard
  • Design solutions to reinforce community rules
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Reduce toxicity

Earn the trust of kids and grownups by fostering toxic-free experiences.

  • Tactics to reduce disruptive behaviors
  • Nudges to promote friendly behaviors 
  • Audits to find the source of toxicity 
  • Review current moderation methods
  • Updated moderation methods and team training
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